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Join date : 2015-09-25
Age : 24

Hotel Empty
PostSubject: Hotel   Hotel EmptyTue Nov 21, 2017 5:12 am

A grand, impressive hotel in the center of the city. Since the prices would scare most common people off, it is well known for being a celebrity hot spot. But businessmen and politicians who can afford the luxury are also often seen here.


Last edited by Mafumafu on Mon Jan 06, 2020 9:34 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Hotel Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hotel   Hotel EmptyTue Nov 21, 2017 7:57 am

Wohnheim <---

Vor dem riesigen Hotel hielt ihr Auto, Junhyung hatte es schon den ganzen Weg an die Fensterscheibe gedrückt beobachtet. Alle stiegen nacheinander aus, doch da er als letzter eingestiegen war, stieg er auch als letzter aus. Er hörte, wie sich die anderen verbeugten und Hallo sagten, als er merkte, dass sie das in eine Kamera sagten. Ach, richtig! Wir werden von jetzt an begleitet! Der Mann mittleren Alters hatte sie auch bei ihrem Shooting für ihre ersten Bilder gefilmt, weshalb er sich nicht mehr ganz so nervös fühlte, in die Kamera zu lächeln, zu winken und Guten Tag zu sagen. Endlich drinnen stellten sie sich in eine Reihe auf, so wie sie alles geübt hatten, alle etwas nervös und begrüßten das Team. Stylisten und Make-Up Artists, ihr Manager, der Direktor und aller Hand anderer Personen nahmen sie in Empfang. Während einige zurechtgemacht wurden, gingen andere den Tanz durch, erkundigten sich über den Ablauf. Mit dem Styling war er etwa in der Mitte dran, da bei ihm noch gefärbt werden sollte. Ah~ Ich bekomme meine Haare gefärbt. Ich weiß noch nicht, welche Farbe, aber ich vertraue den Stylist hyungs und noonas. meinte er, da ihm die Kamera folgte. Auch die anderen Member übernahmen hin und wieder die Kamera und erfreuten sich daran, ihn dabei zu filmen, wie die Haarfarbe mit Alufolie auf seinem Kopf einzog. Nach geraumer Zeit war dann auch er fertig, sein Make-Up saß, ebenso die Frisur und er wurde zum umziehen geschickt. Und dann stand er zusammen mit den anderen. Seine Haare waren weiß mit sehr leichten, pastel-lilanen Spitzen und sie hatten ihm eisblaue Kontaktlinsen eingesetzt. Alle trugen traditionell-koreanische Gewänder, aber in anderen Farben, wobei seines generell weiß und in den Farben seiner Haare und Augen gehalten war, hier und dort silberfarbene Applikationen und eine Menge Schmuck. Er trug unechte Piercings und ein aufgemaltes Tattoo einer violetten Blume auf der Schulter, was er stolz der Kamera zeigte, dann lachte und sein Gewand wieder über die Schulter zog. Im Hintergrund liefen schon letzte Kameratests und Lichteinstellungen ab, auch ihr Lied spielte damit sie alles daran anpassen konnten. Waaah~~
Aufregend, nicht?
meinte er als er sich zu Taeyong stellte. Ich werd' langsam nervös. Ich hoffe,ich mache beim tanzen keine Fehler. Er murmelte eher für sich, lächelte dann aber zu dem Kater. Wir schaffen das schon, als Team, haha. Darf ich? Vorsichtig nahm er die Hand des Ältesten und man merkte erst, wie sehr er eigentlich zitterte. Einmal drückte er sie um sich zu beruhigen fester, seufzte und schaute das Setting an. Schon kurz darauf sollten auch ihre Debut-Bilder veröffentlicht werden und wer konnte, saß an seinem Handy um die Reaktionen live mitzuverfolgen, aber Junhyung fühlte sich nicht danach. Er wollte sie lesen, wenn er zurück im Wohnheim den Tag ausklingen lassen und sich damit entspannen konnte. Gerade lenkte er sich nicht davon ab, worum es ging - das Video, und er wollte es perfekt machen. Ich habe den Tanz perfekt drauf. Ich sehe perfekt aus. Was soll schon schiefgehen?
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Join date : 2015-09-25
Age : 24

Hotel Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hotel   Hotel EmptyWed Nov 22, 2017 6:14 am

<--- CUBE
Taeyong beruhigte sich während der Fahrt ein wenig, er wollte ja einen guten ersten Eindruck vor der Kamera machen. Sich von seiner besten Seite zeigen, als der Älteste erwartete man von ihm doch, dass er cool und ruhig rüberkam. Vergiss es, die Rolle hat sowieso schon unser Leader eingenommen. So nervös war er vor der Kamera nicht, nur ein bisschen aufgeregt während er breit lächelte. Er wirkte teilweise wie jemand, der schonmal vor Kamera stand, was er ja eigentlich nie getan hat. Der Kater fühlte sich, als hätte er kaum einen Schritt reingesetzt und schon wurde er von allen überall hingezogen. Ab und zu erwischte die Kamera ihn auch. Hey hey~ Ich bin hier mit Leesang, der seine Haare gefärbt bekommt. Grinsend schaute er zu dem Kater, der ziemlich aufgeregt schien. Sie sollen rot werden, ein bisschen dunkler, also vielleicht bronze ähnlich. Das wird cool aussehen, nicht? Er stimmte zu, weil er es sich wirklich gut vorstellen konnte. Er fuhr sich durch seine eigenen rabenschwarzen Haare, die noch gestylt werden sollten. Danach musste er sich auch schon umziehen, sein Gewand war in blau und schwarz gehalten, da dunkle Farben ja eher zu ihm passten. Ich frage mich wie ich komplett in weiß aussehen würde. Es war schwer es sich vorzustellen, er war nicht so vollkommen von seinem Aussehen überzeugt, dass er sagen konnte, er könnte alles anziehen. Obwohl das meistens der Fall war. Etwas überrascht, weil er so in seinen Gedanken vertieft war, blickte er auf und schaute zu Junhyung. Du siehst gut aus, Junhyung! Die haben uns hier wirklich krass zurechtgemacht... Er selbst war eigentlich ziemlich hibbelig, gab aber sein bestes still stehen zu bleiben. Erschrocken starrte er die kleinere Hand, die seine umklammerte an. D-das wird schon, wir kriegen das bestimmt hin. Das sagte er zwar, was er aber dachte war, dass sie es hinkriegen mussten. Das klang aber weniger nett, also behielt er es für sich. Kamera! Er bemerkte die Person hinter ihnen beinahe sofort, wusste das es zu spät war ihn loszulassen, schwang seinen Arm und den von dem Mann stattdessen nach oben. Yaaaay.. Es würde wahrscheinlich seltsam aussehen, wenn man in der Aufnahme einfach sehen würde, wie sie Händchen haltend da standen, er machte also die abrupte Bewegung und ließ dann von ihm ab. Ahahaha~ Nervös lachend ging er zu den anderen, drehte sich dabei, das Gefühl von Schwindel beruhigte ihn irgendwie. Als er zum halt kam legte er die Hände auf den strahlend roten Wangen ab. Hastig schüttelte er den Kopf um sich zu beruhigen. Und es fing an. Zuerst wurden sie positioniert, damit auf der Aufnahme hinterher alles so aussah, wie man es sich vorstellte und er hatte das Gefühl, dass sie für jede Aufnahme etliche Male brauchten. Sein Körper fühlte sich mit der Zeit schwer an. Konzentrier dich! Seine größtes Problem war wirklich, sein Gesicht vollkommen ernst wirken zu lassen. In den freien Minuten die er hatte stürzte er auf einem Sitzplatz ab, mental war der Mann vollkommen erledigt. Nimm nicht den ganzen Platz ein, Taeyong. Man hörte als Antwort nur ein grummeln von ihm, woraufhin sich Kisoo auf ihn setzte. Sobald Leesang das sah, sprang er natürlich fröhlich dazu und auch Wooshin machte es sich auf seinem Bein bequem. Erdrückt unter dem Gewicht von drei Männern konnte er nicht einmal um Hilfe schreien und nahm seine Bestrafung an. Bis sie zurück ans Set mussten jedenfalls. Dann lief er meckernd Kisoo hinterher. Du bist gemein! Gemein! Beleidigt boxte er ihm gegen die Schulter als er aufholte, wurde dafür ein wenig ausgelacht, weil er natürlich nicht richtig schlug. Mit sowas.. muss ich täglich leben... vielleicht liegt das auch daran, dass ich ihn letztens kaltes Wasser über den Kopf geschüttet habe. Bei der Erinnerung an seinen Streich fing er leise an zu lachen. Wollen wir sie dafür etwas ärgern gehen~? Zum ersten Mal durfte er die Kamera übernehmen. Leader~ Was machst du da? Kurz schaute er dem Mann zu, der erklärte, dass er sich die Reaktionen anschaute, empfand das aber zu langweilig (vor allem weil er einer der wenigen war, die ihn verschont haben). Wooshin! Ich kann das nicht fassen. Was wenn du mir ein Bein gebrochen hättest? Kurz wurde er mit offenem Mund angeschaut, dann lächelte er aber wieder normal. Dann hätte ich dich natürlich überall hingetragen. Ein wenig beschämt fing er an zu lachen. Naja, wenn das so ist.. dann kann ich ja nicht wütend sein. Er wurde irgendwie manipuliert. Um nach den anderen zu suchen blieb leider keine Zeit mehr. Die Kamera wurde wieder an den eigentlichen Kameramann abgegeben. Das war kein Erfolg.. aber jetzt muss ich mich wieder konzentrieren. Schon seinen ernsten Blick am trainieren ging er wieder zurück und drehte die nächsten Szenen. Das ein Dreh so kompliziert sein könnte, hatte er sich nicht vorgestellt. Sein erleichtertes seufzen klang beinahe verzweifelt. Glücklicherweise war das so leise, dass es niemand hören konnte, und er verbeugte sich schnell. Der Tag war abgeschlossen. Ahhh... ich werde kein Schauspieler. Leise lachte er, griff dann nach seiner Flasche und trank sie bis zum letzten Schluck aus. Das Musikvideo sollte ziemlich elegant werden, dass dann noch mit ihrer Choreographie funktionieren zu lassen war die Herausforderung. Naja, sie haben das auch echt gut gemacht, aber.. das war anstrengend. Als er sich streckte nahm er mal wieder den Duft um sie herum ein- der Geruch der Blumen die sie bekommen hatten. Seine waren viele violette Windröschen. Er war müde, lächelte aber trotzdem breit in die Kamera und winkte zum Abschied.
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Join date : 2015-09-25

Hotel Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hotel   Hotel EmptyThu Nov 23, 2017 4:52 am

Junhyung war etwas überrascht als der ältere Kater ihre Hände in die Luft riss und starrte ihn bloß fragend an. Sein Gesichtsausdruck war wirklich verwirrt, bis er sich etwas umdrehte. Zuerst bemerkte er die Kamera kaum, prustete dann als er sie schließlich sah. Aaaahhh~ Es war ihm etwas peinlich, aber solche Momente würden ja nicht die letzten bleiben.
Er stand auf der Fläche, machte sich bereit für den Anfang des Liedes. Hunderte Male war er in seinem Kopf die Choreographie durchgegangen, jetzt konzentrierte er sich nur noch auf seine Bewegungen und seinen Ausdruck. Er wollte Eindruck hinterlassen, bei den Fans und bei ihrem Team, schließlich wollte er nicht zur Last fallen. Nachdem die Performance Szenen erfolgreich gedreht waren, ging es an die Nahaufnahmen, Story-Szenen, einzelne Szenen. Auch dabei gab er, nachdem seine Kleidung gerichtet und er vom Schweiß befreit wurde, sein bestes. Er wedelte sich mit einem Prospekt Luft zu, Staff-Member packten Tücher auf seine Stirn während er der Kamera ein kleines Interview über das Album gab. Was er sagen sollte, wusste er nicht so richtig, für sowas war sonst Jaeup zuständig, aber er sprach einfach was er dachte. Ich hoffe ihr werdet es auch mögen. Es hat Spaß gemacht.. Bitte unterstützt uns~ Mit seinen Fingern gab er der Kamera ein paar Herzen, lachte und folgte den anderen in die Warteräume um sich umzuziehen. Müde von der Anstrengung ließ er sich auf ein Sofa fallen und klopfte sich auf Schulter und Beine um sie von Verspannungen zu befreien. Einige der anderen setzten sich zu ihm, normalerweise würden sie jetzt zusammen Späße machen, aber sie waren sich wohl einig, dass der Tag anstrengend genug war. Obwohl sie trotzdem aufgeregt miteinander redeten und etwas ärgerten, wie immer. Schlussendlich war Junhyung froh, das Bühnenkostüm losgeworden zu sein - davor hatte er natürlich Bilder darin gemacht, mit allen zusammen für ihre Social Media und auch mit einzelnen Membern.

(---> falls nichts mehr ist, Wohnheim)
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Age : 24

Hotel Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hotel   Hotel EmptySat Jan 04, 2020 12:56 am

A cloud of smoke rose to the sky as Shun quietly followed its trail. Time passed by a little quicker with a cigarette in his hand and it had become a habit ever since he started going out with businessmen. In that environment it was the norm to smoke, though Shun never did it around the café. "I shouldn't have come." He mumbled and threw the cigarette on the ground, putting it out with his foot. He was dressed too nice to be stood up like this, with his big white turtleneck and the long black jacket. He took out his phone and texted someone saved as 'bastard'.

Don't text me again. Razz

It's not like these situations were unusual, questionably straight married men did tend to go back to their wifes and families, but he was done being used by these guys whenever they've already made a choice. "They buy you something nice and think everything is fine... isn't that prostitution?" For a second he seemed confused, looking at the nice watch he was wearing. Before he could probably question his life and the choices he's made someone much taller than him was suddenly before him. "S-shun..!" The man stuttered, his eyes had dark circles under them and although he was dressed well, he suddenly looked like a mess in front of Shun. "Oh. David. Didn't expect to see you here." He smiled politely and tried to keep it up even when the man suddenly grabbed his hands. "Why did you leave me so suddenly? You didn't even tell me why! Please, I swear I can change, anything at all!" As the man spoke Shun tried to pull away from him, but ended up being pressed against the wall behind him. "We talked about this already! I told you that I feel like you need some more emotional stability. This is exactly what I meant!" Shun hissed, although quietly to not attract more attention. But as he struggled the man grabbed his wrists and leaned down, staring at him with a look that froze the blonde one. His eyes were almost twirling and he realized that the man wasn't listening to him at all. "You always lied to me, Shun. Never even told me why you left me. I gave up everything for you. How could you do this to me?" The guilt suddenly left a burning sensation inside him. He wasn't supposed to feel that way, he knew that, but he couldn't help wanting to apologize. Before he opened his mouth he pressed his eyes close, praying for the man to have a change of mind.
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Hotel Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hotel   Hotel EmptySat Feb 08, 2020 7:48 am

Masamune sat in the backseat of a brand new, jet black Porsche. His driver, wearing white gloves and suit, obediently delivering the expensive guest to a business meeting in one of the city hotels' many meeting rooms. His phone buzzed inside his suit's pocket, so he pulled it out and glanced over the message sent by Shun. He didn't reply, and put it back in his pocket. Speaking of the devil, when Masamune looked ahead on the road through the darkened glass, he spotted that unmistakable shade of blond, the fragile body shape almost entirely hidden behind a larger figure. With a grim smile he pulled out his phone and typed Thank me later.
"Park right there, please." , he instructed the driver as he took his glasses from his front pocket of the suit and slid them onto his nose. The driver nodded, and pulled up in front of the hotel, where the door was opened for him. He gestured the driver to park the car, and nodded at the hotel security. While walking up to Shun and the unfamiliar man, he straightened his tie and put on a toothy smile. He walked in a straight line, one hand cramping into a fist, his trimmed nails dug into his skin as he smiled away the unquenchable thirst to stab a $500 pen into the stranger's back.
Masamune didn't even bother paying attention to this man as he approached the two, mainly because he didn't want to touch such a disgusting, desperate fool. "Shun, baby. Who is this man, stopping you from arriving to our anniversary date on time?" The way he accentuated anniversary date was very much intentional, as he turned his head to the other man while saying so. "You're gonna want to take your hands off of my fiancé before I make those filthy fingers into a meat pie." His piercing eyes made the man take a step back, and Masamune put his arm around Shun to pull him away from the wall. As his hand was dangling off Shun's shoulder, he made the gold plated ring on his finger, which actually came from the marriage to his wife, very visible. "Let's go, we don't want the food to get cold." Gently he put his hand under Shun's chin to make him look up, then planted a kiss on his cheekbone, right below his eye.
Inside the hotel however, Masamune immediately removed his arm, straightened his suit and tie and walked a few steps ahead of Shun, expecting him to just follow him. The meeting wouldn't begin until a little later, so he let Shun into his hotel suite and closed the door. If he wasn't so used to it, he would gawk over the mix of classic and modern interior design, delicate darkwood furniture, fresh, beautiful flower bouquets in the expensive vases and modern art pieces on the walls. Instead, Masamune, upon slamming the door shut, went straight for the large sofa in the middle of the main room, in front of the scenic wide windows. He didn't sit, but left his briefcase on the glass and mahagony coffee table. "What were you thinking meeting up with scum like that? Think about what would have happened if I hadn't been there." , he said in a loud, strict tone and turned on the television in the room, his back turned towards Shun.
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Age : 24

Hotel Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hotel   Hotel EmptySat Feb 08, 2020 8:44 am

Shun noticed how a familiar man started approaching them a little earlier than David, but bit his lip to keep himself from grinning and saying any of the words that were about to escape his mouth. Though he was still surprised by how smoothly Masamune dropped that threat. The surprises only kept coming when he felt his lips touch his cheek gently, almost lovingly, and he would be lying if he said it didn't make his heart flutter. For a few seconds he kept staring into his blue eyes, then he quickly threw himself on the man, wrapping his arms around Masamune and sticking out his tongue at David. No way he's gonna try anything like that again thinking I'm with someone like him.
As soon as Masamune let go of him he almost felt a chill. A cold feeling where his touch was before, but also a cold feeling in the air. He followed the man through the hotel without saying anything, knowing the man wasn't the type to make smalltalk. Hotel suites like that were his favorite, the classy feeling inside them made him feel like a million bucks and he loved to be treated accordingly. But he barely took a few steps in when he could already feel Masamune's anger. Or was he being lectured? He still had a hard time understanding the man. "Well, in the worst case I would be in some psycho's basement right now." After a few seconds of silence and awkward smiling Shun sighed. "Just so you know, I wasn't planning on it. I had a perfectly normal date with a friendly man scheduled and I was waiting for him." Of course he left out the fact that said man was a cheating bastard. "That guy was my ex... I dumped him months ago. For obvious reasons, he's got issues. I mean who would still be running after someone after months?" He rolled his eyes, oblivious to how common that was in reality. It took him maybe a week to get over someone, when he was really attached to that person. He pouted for a bit and then looked up again. "I'm glad that you were there... who knows what I would have agreed to in that situation." Shun mumbled that like he was in a trance and then went a few steps closer to Masamune. "Say, why did you even do that? I'm sure you've got more important things to do than help some barista you barely know." He tilted his head, innocence shining in his bright blue eyes. It wasn't like Shun didn't know what he was doing. He tested Masamune. Tested how far he was willing to go, what kind of person he was, what his behavior meant. Surely he could have dropped off the blonde somewhere else, did it have to be his suite? Did he want it to be his suite? Or was he a surprisingly innocent man who doesn't even have these thoughts? No, not the dear businessmen I know.
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Hotel Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hotel   Hotel EmptySun Feb 09, 2020 12:03 am

Masamune walked to the side of the large room where he took a round, short glass out of the cabinet and poured himself a glass of whiskey. He swirled the brown liquid around a few times. "You trust people too easily. You might just be in 'some psycho's' presidential suite right now. And followed him like a little dog, too." He took the glass back to the sofa, opened the button of his blazer and sat himself down comfortably, one arm resting on the sofa's back. For what felt like the first intentional time since they entered the hotel suite, Masamune actually looked at Shun. "I want you to never meet that man again. If you pass him, and he looks into your general direction at all, you call me and I will have someone.. take care of it." , his voice was demanding, an order directed at Shun, far away from just an offer to secure his safety. If it wasn't the bright of day, and so many people around, he would have given the ex what he deserved for touching Shun already. The thought of this man, any man other than himself, touching, speaking to, or thinking about Shun disgusted him.
Masamune looked down into the glass and closed his eyes when taking a sip. "I'm not forcing you to stay if you've got some.. date to attend." , his voice carried a sound of spite when he said that. On the other hand, he was confident that Shun wouldn't leave, which forced a cocky grin out of him. Shun had no reason to leave. With a second gulp the glass was already empty and he looked at the man standing on the other side of the coffee table. "What are you thinking about, Takahashi Shun?"
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Hotel Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hotel   Hotel EmptySun Feb 23, 2020 7:51 am

Shun smirked for a second and slowly walked around the sofa while Masamune was talking. He was silent, left the question in the air, purposefully ignoring him until he stood behind the black haired man and could wrap his arms around him. He lowered his head right next to his ear so Masamune could understand each word clearly. "I'm thinking that you're demanding. That you treat me like I'm already yours." His hand followed his shirt and blazer, keeping his hands on Masamune's body with a sly grin. "We've only met once before, haven't we, Tadashi." He didn't take his own words too seriously, he simply enjoyed teasing him a little. As far as that was possible. "Let me guess, you're here for a meeting that is going to start pretty soon. You're in a hurry, but you'd never reject a handsome guy looking for some fun would you? As long as it doesn't interfere with your schedule of course." Shun had a way of making the most ridiculous thing sound as casual as asking a customer if they'd like a cup of coffee. He was certainly free spirited, which didn't appeal to everyone around him. So he waited for any kind of approval from Masamune before he jumping him.
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Hotel Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hotel   Hotel EmptySun Feb 23, 2020 11:51 am

Masamune didn't turn around to look at Shun, he didn't question what the man was doing either. When he felt the lightweight arms around him he felt tingles running down his spine, he closed his eyes and this mere touch almost forced sounds of joy out of him. Oh how much he missed his touch, those gentle hands, and still it made him so angry. Years and years Shun hadn't contacted him, not one thought wasted on Masamune, and suddenly he wanted to be this close. "I always get what I want." , he said in a low, raspy voice. Masamune put his hand on top of Shun's as it slid over the smooth fabric of his shirt. "You just got rid of one asshole.. and you're already trying with another? You're such an idiot." He lifted the other's hand and put his nose on it, then licking it upwards to plant a kiss on his wrist. "Such a fool.. if you think, that I'm gonna let any other man touch you now." The gentle whisper was followed by a strict command to take his clothes off and get on his knees on the sofa, while Masamune was unbuckling his pants. His blazer landed on the floor, but the shirt he only bothered to open, and left it hanging off his shoulders. Though he preferred it quick, selfish and to the point, before he did anything, he fed Shun his fingers and stroked himself a few times to the wet sounds. Masamune very much enjoyed being in control, though he expected Shun's wild nature to be taking some initiative, which would, he imagined, lead to a very wild time. "Tell me how bad you want it." , he said as he rubbed his dick along Shun's ass. His saliva wetted fingers had to make up for the lack of lube, which would undoubtedly make it more painful.
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Hotel Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hotel   Hotel EmptySun Feb 23, 2020 9:45 pm

Shun chuckled lightly when he felt Masamune's breath hit his skin. The soft kiss almost made him fall in love a little. "Men like you are so tough to deal with." Not for a second did Shun believe that he was going to give himself up for a guy like him. But he wondered if someone like Masamune could love. The ring on his finger certainly wasn't proof of it. Perhaps his heart was too cold to feel an emotion like that. On the other hand he sure was possessive. Shun didn't hesitate to pull his sweater off and reveal the pale skin beneath it. He threw his pants and underwear to the side, but didn't bother with his socks. It surprised him a little when Masamune offered him his fingers, but gladly took them in his mouth, daringly looking him in the eyes while sucking on them and wrapping his tongue around them. Luckily enough for him he prepared himself at least a little before he left, because Masamune sure didn't seem patient with him. He let out a little gasp when he felt Masamune rub against him and his breath became increasingly heavier. "I want your cock inside me so badly." He forgot when the last time was that he sounded so needy, that man really was doing things with his head. He was almost whining when he felt his fingers inside him and his entire body was trembling. "God just put it inside already, I wanna feel you mess up my insides." His hips started to move on their own and he groaned impatiently. Shun's hands grabbed his broad shoulders and he suddenly wondered if his wife holds him the same way he did in that moment. That thought alone sent a throb through his body that suddenly made his cheeks flush. He truly was a lost cause.
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Hotel Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hotel   Hotel EmptySun Feb 23, 2020 10:27 pm

The man didn't have to tell Masamune twice to put it in, though he did wait a few moments longer to hear him squealing needily some more. "Yeah?" , he said breathily as he grabbed Shun by the hips and, gently but with a firm grip, moved him down and positioned his body. The impatience Shun showed sounded like music to him, he wanted to hear and feel all of Shun's chaos.
With a grip that would surely leave marks on Shun's hips, he lifted his lower body up a bit and his tip reached the entrance. Masamune groaned. "Relax." , he advised him and pushed himself in a little too fast for his own good. The tip of his dick tickled Shun's prostate as he moved himself up to fuck him in a kneeling position. Both hands found their position on his sides as he started rocking his hips. At first, like most of his movements, he seemed a little mechanical with a steady, effective pace, low huffs escaping him rather than passionate moans. That was the way he fucked his wife, quick and functional. It did the job. And normally, he wouldn't care whether his partner got satisfied or not, but he wanted Shun to think of him highly. To ensure that he wouldn't dare touch another man again, he had to work for it. And so he lowered his upper body again, hovering few centimetres over the other as his slow, controlled breath was met by the other's fast and heavy breath. "Ive dreamed about this moment." , he confessed in a satisfied tone - he really did get everything he wanted. He adjusted his movement to his previous observation and it felt much more like a passionate whole-body movement as his chest moved over the other's, his hips swaying to hit different angles in the search of a spot Shun liked. Once he felt like he hit that spot, he grinned and went in deeper, with harder thrusts. With one hand he caressed Shun's cheek, then moved it down to his throat and pressed his thumb down on the adam's apple. "You're all mine, hm? Only my little slut. Tell me what you are."
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Hotel Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hotel   Hotel EmptyTue Feb 25, 2020 9:25 am

Shun always enjoyed how the expressions of the men he slept with changed. Usually you wouldn't get much out of them, but when their breath started getting heavier and their body reacted more honestly than they could ever express he just found them too adorable. "You sure it's gonna go in? We just used-" He was interrupted by the sudden force with which Masamune thrusted himself inside Shun and he had to bite down on his lip to not let out a messy moan. He gasped for air as he tried to get used to what was inside him and a smile slowly creeped on his face. Now that was a dick he could get used to. Shun obediently went into any position he was pushed into, lifting his hips up for Masamune and pressing his face in the cushion of the couch, which absorbed about half of the noise his moans made. But he noticed that the steady movement slowed down and he turned his head to the other, wondering if he wanted to quit or something, but as he turned around on his back Masamune got close to him again. "My, you're making me blush. You didn't seem very interested when we first met." With a grin he raised his hands and pushed the messy strands of hair out of Masamune's face. "It's impossible to read faces like yours. But luckily for you I find that hot." When he felt Masamune push inside him again he let out a sharp gasp and wrapped his hands around his back to push Masamune against him, with surprising strength, he was close to ripping his blazer apart, but Shun seemed too lost in pleasure to even notice. He wasn't focusing on what was in front of him anymore and the moans he somewhat held back before came out without any restraint. His voice trembled together with his body as he felt a shiver each time Masamune hit the spot he liked. Little tears dripped down his cheeks when Masamune pressed against his throat and he wondered where that reaction suddenly came from. "Y-yes, I'm your little slut, I'm only yours, so please do me harder, I'm so close." Shun pressed Masamune's body as close to his as he could, just so he would feel him brush against his dick. "Tadashi..!" He suddenly gasped his name and wrapped his legs around him, pushing him inside even more as the world blanked for him and he tightened up. As he came over his chest he felt Masamune throb inside him and his pleasure held on even longer as he felt the man come inside him. He put his arm over his eyes and simply breathed for a while, his body still processing everything he felt. "That was... good." Was all he could mutter, but a look in his eyes a few moments ago was more than enough to know that he felt a little more than that.
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Hotel Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hotel   Hotel EmptyMon Mar 16, 2020 10:55 am

Masamune hummed a long, low moan, right from his chest, vibrating in his throat and a soft exhale. He moved slowly as he took a breather, sucking on Shun's neck and leaving little, blueish-purple marks. "You like that, hm?" Once he picked up the pace and saw the tears leaving Shun's eyes, the sounds of pleasure echoing through the room and the looks they exchanged, he was convinced they were perfect for each other. "You want to cum? Do you want me to make you cum? Then say it. Say what you want me to do to you." He cursed under his breath as he was getting close to his own release. He felt Shun's hard dick against his chest and he put his lips against his neck again, biting and sucking it messily. "Come with me. Do it.. now." , he spoke in a muffled voice as he clenched his teeth. "Fuck you're so.. so tight, fuck.." Masamune exhaled and stopped moving, a low groan escaping him as he released himself inside of the other man. He was panting and brushing his hair back, the other still gripping Shun's hips tightly. "Mhm." , he replied and sat up, quickly putting his clothes back on as if nothing had happened. "How about some music?" , Masamune suggested as he stood in front of the mirror to fix his hair and tie. It played classical music, fitting for the feeling of the room, and for the man in the mirror. He threw a look over to Shun through the reflection of the mirror, a small grin on his lips. "Come on, you didn't expect me to stay for cuddles, did you?" He leaned in closer and smacked his lips, applied lip balm and brushed his hair in place once more. As if nothing had happened, that's what he looked like, too. "Order yourself something to eat, put it on my tab. There's a large bathtub in the bathroom and a hot tub on the balcony, choose whichever you want. You can use the hotel towels to clean yourself up - don't touch my things. I won't take long, I'll be back in an hour or two." Masamune wiped his hands and face with a wet wipe and picked up his briefcase. "Sorbet and champagne are in the fridge." He pointed towards the fridge and was already outside the door, so quickly without a word of thanks or appreciation for the other man. But he was thinking about what happened, and the thought didn't leave his mind throughout the entire meeting. Wondering if Shun was nakes right now, waiting for him in the tub, his beautiful, soft lips seductively nipping a glass of champagne.
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Age : 24

Hotel Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hotel   Hotel EmptyMon Mar 16, 2020 11:19 pm

Shun opened his eyes to watch Masamune fix his appearance, which he did very efficiently. He only smiled a little when he heard what the man said. "A gentleman like you would never stoop so low." Masamune offered him the full program, though it did make him curious that he was so peculiar about his things. "I won't steal your cute little documents, don't worry." He waved without really looking when Masamune left and then got up to stretch. He felt his hips right away and was a little surprised. He ordered some fancy sounding things and then disappeared in the bathroom to scrub himself clean. Finally he had the chance to sit down in front of the TV and stuff food inside him like there was no tomorrow. Truth be told he hadn't eaten the day before, his money situation was a little tight that month. So this evening really just served to get food inside his body. He was watching some reality show when his phone started ringing. First he thought it was his date, but as he saw the name a small, even sweet smile appeared on his face. "Hello there, doctor. Isn't it a little late for a call?" He sipped on his champagne while listening to the mans drunk voice. "Well if it's for medication then of course I'll come at once. See ya, doc." He chuckled as he gathered his clothes to get dressed properly. At this point even he felt a little bad, that would be the third man he'd meet up with in one night. But a call from his doctor was unusual and he felt giddy as a little kid, since that guy rarely had moments where he'd let his weakness for Shun win. "Though I would have liked to spend the night with Tadashi. I'm sure I could get him to wrap his arms around me." It was fun to break the pride of a man like him, but he ended up shaking his head. "You gotta make guys like that impatient! They get a taste and then they gotta run after you." He nodded to himself, but couldn't help but at least leave a note.
Had to run to an appointment! Had lots of fun tonight, come by for a coffee sometime.
Then he gathered his things and left the room humming.
---> Regna Ferox
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